We're making it easier than ever to get support.

We believe mental health is a fundamental right.
Getting support should be easy, simple, and effective.

our story

How Did We Get Here?

Inner Solutions began in 2019 as a small coaching practice focused on helping people with anxiety.

We (Jim Cipollini & Enis Cirak) worked with people 1-on-1 to share how we had overcome anxiety in our own lives. Our compassionate, authentic, and relatable approach attracted many students who were tired of being misunderstood.

As the demand grew, Inner Solutions began hosting classes as an attempt to reach more people who could not afford private sessions. We even started partnering with companies and organizations who believed in taking care of their people.

Today, we are continuing to expand our resources and offerings. We’re on a mission to help one million people truly overcome anxiety & depression by 2030.

the founders

Let Us Introduce Ourselves.

Enis Cirak

Enis is an old-soul with a deep empathy for anyone who is struggling with mental health. Originally born in Bosnia, his family arrived to the United States as refugees when he was young.

Enis has been practicing meditation for 12 years, and says that it was one of the main things that helped him overcome anxiety & depression during hard times. When he isn't working with personal clients, he spends time managing all things related to marketing and strategy for Inner Solutions.

Jim Cipollini

Jim is a free-spirit with a big heart. He's one of the most genuine people you'll ever meet. Originally from Connecticut, he loves being outside and playing music. He's also the primary facilitator of our classes.

Jim uses a blend of deep listening, authentic feedback, and a wide range of therapeutic techniques to help people get unstuck. When he isn't teaching class or working with personal clients, he's probably hosting a livestream or recording educational content for our community.

our values

This is What We Believe.

Our core belief is that everyone, everywhere, deserves to be happy. We also believe that investing in mental health is the key to solving so many of our problems.

By improving the mental health of our country, we can expect to see a decrease in the rate of crime, poverty, physical illness, school drop-outs, divorce, ecological damage, and many other seemingly unrelated issues.

By improving the mental health of our companies, we can expect to see an increase in productivity, quality of output, trust, communication, and overall satisfaction at work.

By improving the mental health of ourselves, we can see a positive change in our relationships, compassion towards others, and overall enjoyment of life.
We believe investing in mental health is the most important investment anyone can make.